
For all Greece
All our products are sent by courier ACS Courier and General Postal . In collaboration with the best courier companies in Greece , your order is in place immediately within 2-3 days . The shipping cost is borne by the recipient.

The shipping cost is 6,00 € parcel up to 2 kg . For every extra kg costs 2 €. The costs may exceed this amount if your site inaccessible 'characterized by corporations Courier.

All prices include VAT 23%

If your shipment is heavy it is possible upon request to ship your order by transport agency with little or even zero figuratively.

Packages are generally dispatched within 2 days after receipt of payment and are shipped via Courier with tracking and drop-off without signature.

Boxes are amply sized and your items are well-protected.

For outside Greece
All our products other than food (eg honey), sent abroad with the Greek postal ELTA as registered. Unfortunately at this time can not be shipped food under applicable laws.

The cost of transport for foreign missions are:

WEIGHT0 - 0,5 KG0,5 - 1 KG1 - 1.5 KG1.5 - 2 KG2 - 2.5 KG2.5 - 3 KG3 - 3.5 KG3.5 - 4 
ZONE 18.5 €11,5 €14,5 €17,5 €21 €24,5 €28 €32 € 
ZONE 29,5 €15,5 €22,5 €28 €32 €35,5 €39 €43 € 

ZONE 1: Countries in EU
ZONE 2: Countries outside EU & The rest of the world

Prices don't include tax 16%.